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Improving Health Through Coherence and Individualisation

The objective of the Health Mission is to improve patient health through technology-supported and coherent care pathways tailored to the individual.


Improving Health Through Coherence and Individualisation

The objective of the Health Mission is to improve patient health through technology-supported and coherent care pathways tailored to the individual.

With a new ambitious research-, innovation-, and education-oriented mission, we are now ready to tackle the challenges faced by the healthcare system and patients. This includes ensuring greater coherence across sectors, providing individualised treatment, and focusing on supporting patients in managing illnesses.

Michael Skovdal Rathleff, professor, Mission Manager

Improving Health Through Coherence and Individualisation

Although Denmark has one of the world’s best healthcare systems, there are still areas that can be improved to better meet patient needs. Patients and their relatives often experience their healthcare journey as fragmented, divided into silos that lack coherence and individualisation. Challenges also exist in the communication and transfer of vital information between primary healthcare and hospitals, between hospitals and municipalities, within hospitals, and not least between patients and their relatives.

The lack of coherence, individualisation, and support for managing one's illness leads to challenges with over- and underdiagnosis, as well as over- and undertreatment.

The consequences can be significant—for the individual, their relatives, and society as a whole. These issues particularly affect patients with multiple simultaneous conditions and those with chronic pain—two patient groups that are growing in number as the proportion of elderly citizens continues to rise. This challenge is supported by AAU’s own survey data, the Danish Health Structure Commission's report, and the current government proposal for a healthcare reform in Denmark.

The healthcare system of the future should be characterised by more coherent patient pathways that consider each patient’s individual needs. Greater coherence and a rethinking of how patients can be supported in managing their illnesses are essential. Technological solutions should be developed and implemented to support all relevant stakeholders across professions and sectors.

Success Criteria for the Mission

  • Coherence: New technology that consolidates patient data and supports the healthcare system’s use of data in coherent and individually tailored care pathways, spanning both primary and specialised healthcare services.
  • Individualisation: New decision-support technology for clinical practice that integrates experience, data, and evidence. This data is used to facilitate individualised treatment, resulting in more effective care where each patient receives precisely the treatment with the highest likelihood of success.
  • Self-Management: Development of digital technologies that help patients manage their illness independently in their daily lives.


It is absolutely essential to establish partnerships between research institutions and collaborators, including healthcare providers, regions, municipalities, and patient representatives. Together, we can develop new technological solutions that align with patients' needs. This collaborative approach will pave the way for a healthcare system resilient to both current and future challenges.

Michael Rathleff, professor, Mission Manager

Examples of Subgoals, Critical Milestones, and Success Criteria

Technology-supported, coherent patient pathways

Example - Critical Milestone
Development of new AI technology that consolidates patient data and supports the healthcare system's use of data in coherent and individually tailored care pathways, spanning both primary and specialised healthcare services.

Measurable Success Criteria
Comprehensive overview of the patient’s overall health condition, enabling accurate diagnosis and early initiation of appropriate treatment.

Reduction in unnecessary tests and hospital admissions.

Increased patient satisfaction among patients with multimorbidities and those with non-specific symptoms (e.g., patients with chronic pain).

Decision-support for clinical practice

Example - Critical Milestone
Development of new technology for clinical practice that integrates experience, data, and evidence to support individualised treatment for patients in long-term care pathways.

Measurable Success Criteria
Improved diagnostics, follow-ups, and support for patients throughout their treatment pathways.

Enhanced monitoring and control of patients' conditions during treatment.

Digital tools supporting patients' management of chronic diseases 

Example - Critical Milestone
Development of digital technologies that assist patients in managing their illnesses independently in everyday life.

Measurable Success Criteria
Increased sense of security and quality of life for individual patients.

Optimized use of healthcare services—reduced utilisation for some patient groups and increased for others as needed.

Improved self-management among patients during treatment pathways.

From the left: Mission Officer Hans Henrik Lomholt, Mission Managers Prof. Niels van Berkel, Ass. Prof. Ninna Meier, Prof. Michael Skovdal Rathleff (Chairperson) and Prof. John Rasmussen.